OIML Secretariat: International Bureau of Legal Metrology 11, rue Turgot - F-75009 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 48 78 12 82 Fax: +33 1 42 82 17 27 General e-mail: biml@oiml.org _________________________________________ To: CIML Members, OIML Corresponding Members From: Chris Pulham Date: 17 September 2008 Subject: [BIML Mailing #272]: Web site update 2008.09.17 _________________________________________ Dear Colleagues, Please find below the OIML Web site changes since Tuesday 19 August 2008: 1- R 134-1 http://www.oiml.org/publications/ 2008.09.10: R 134-1 "Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion and measuring axle loads. Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements – Tests" published in English All outstanding publications approved in 2006 and 2007 are now complete and are available on the Publications page of the web site. 2- Sydney 2008 http://www.oiml.org/events/sydney 2.1 43rd CIML Meeting http://www.oiml.org/events/sydney/ciml_agenda.html 2008.09.10: Working document for the 43rd CIML Meeting uploaded onto the "CIML" page of the Sydney web site. 2008.09.10: Version 2 of the CIML Meeting Agenda available. 2008.09.10: Table added giving details of all the new OIML Publications to be either approved by the CIML or directly sanctioned by the Conference: http://www.oiml.org/events/sydney/ciml_agenda.html#drafts 2.2 13th Conference http://www.oiml.org/events/sydney/conf_agenda.html 2008.09.10: The following documents were uploaded onto the "Conference" page of the Sydney web site: - Version 2 of the draft Conference Agenda, - Financial report of the external accountant for the last four years, - Comments of the BIML Director on the financial reports. 3- Member contact details updates http://www.oiml.org/members 2008.09.17: South Africa: Change in contact details. 2008.09.17: Singapore: Change in contact details. 2008.09.17: Republic of Malta: Change in contact details. 4- Combined R 49/R 60/R 76 CPR meeting http://www.oiml.org/updates/calendar.html 2008.09.08: A combined R 49/R 60/R 76 CPR meeting will be held on 17, 18 and 19 June 2009 at the Federal Office of Metrology METAS, Switzerland, following the decision taken at the TC 3/SC 5 meeting earlier this year. 5- Online votes http://www.oiml.org/members/ 2008.09.17: We would remind those CIML Members who have not yet done so to urgently vote on the draft revision of ISO 3930/OIML R 99 "Instruments for measuring vehicle exhaust emissions" (Parts 1, 2 and 3). This Standard/Recommendation was submitted for CIML online ballot and comment, and will be submitted to the Conference for direct sanction (Parts 1 & 2) and CIML approval (Part 3) in Sydney this October. 6- MAA http://www.oiml.org/maa 2008.09.17: The R 60 and R 76 DoMCs have been modified to take into account the change in designation of the South African Legal Metrology Body (see BIML Circular 08/408). 7- OIML Bulletin http://www.oiml.org/bulletin 2008.09.17: The combined July/October Bulletin was sent off for proofing today. It will be available online in about 7-10 days and hard copies should be distributed just prior to the Sydney events. Kind regards, Chris Pulham Editor, B I M L -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ** IMPORTANT ** Please address all changes in contact or Membership details directly to Mrs. Patricia Saint-Germain, BIML Office Manager: patricia.saint-germain@oiml.org -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- All past e-mailings can be found here: http://www.oiml.org/members/mailings.html _________________________________________ Q u i c k L i n k s MEMBERS ONLY: Members' Home Page http://www.oiml.org/members/ 2008 BIML Circulars http://www.oiml.org/members/circ_2008.html Online voting http://www.oiml.org/members/vote Closed voting http://www.oiml.org/members/closed.html Update Member details http://www.oiml.org/members/data/members_auth.html Password retrieval: http://www.oiml.org/members/data/reminder.html OIML Bulletin (last 4) http://www.oiml.org/bulletin/ PUBLIC ACCESS: Sydney 2008 http://www.oiml.org/events/sydney Shanghai 2007 http://www.oiml.org/events/shanghai News http://www.oiml.org/updates/news.html Events http://www.oiml.org/updates/events.html Calendar http://www.oiml.org/updates/calendar.html OIML Bulletin http://www.oiml.org/bulletin/ (Free after 1 yr) MAA http://www.oiml.org/maa Publications download http://www.oiml.org/publications Committee Drafts http://www.oiml.org/download/cds.html Other downloads http://www.oiml.org/download/ Certificates http://www.oiml.org/certificates TCs and SCs http://www.oiml.org/tc_sc/