OIML Secretariat: International Bureau of Legal Metrology 11, rue Turgot - F-75009 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 48 78 12 82 Fax: +33 1 42 82 17 27 _________________________________________ To: CIML Members, OIML Corresponding Members From: Chris Pulham Date: 5 January 2010 Subject: [BIML Mailing #332]: Web site update 2010.01.05 _________________________________________ Dear Colleagues, Please find below the most recent OIML Web Site updates: 1- Financing of the OIML Translation Center for 2010 http://www.oiml.org/members/ 2009.12.14: BIML Circular 09 N° 673/JFM uploaded, inviting CIML Members to contribute to the Translation Center. 2- Vacancy at the BIML http://www.oiml.org/about/biml_engineer.html 2009.12.22: The BIML is recruiting an Engineer who will, in particular, be in charge of the follow-up of certain OIML Technical Committees and Subcommittees, and the maintenance and development of internal databases. Details are available at the above link. 3- Calendar of OIML meetings http://www.oiml.org/updates/calendar.html 2010.01.04: In addition to the OIML TC 8/SC 5 (Water meters) meeting scheduled for 22 April 2010, a meeting of the Joint Working Group comprising OIML TC 8/SC 5, ISO/TC 30/SC 7 and CEN/TC 92 will also take place at AFNOR (Paris, France), from 19-21 April 2010. 4- OIML Membership (Circulars) http://www.oiml.org/members/circ_2009.html 2009.12.18: CIML Member for the Islamic Republic of Iran 2009.12.18: CIML Member for Turkey 5- Minutes of the 44th CIML Meeting (Mombasa) 2010.01.05: For information, the Minutes of the 44th CIML Meeting are in the final stage of drafting and will shortly be submitted for proof-reading internally prior to being uploaded onto the web site. Regards, Chris Pulham Editor/WebMaster, B I M L -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ** IMPORTANT ** Please address all changes in contact or Membership details directly to Mrs. Patricia Saint-Germain, BIML Office Manager: patricia.saint-germain@oiml.org -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- All past e-mailings can be found here: http://www.oiml.org/members/mailings.html _________________________________________ Q u i c k L i n k s MEMBERS ONLY: Members' Home Page http://www.oiml.org/members/ 2009 BIML Circulars http://www.oiml.org/members/circ_2009.html Online voting http://www.oiml.org/members/vote Update Member details http://www.oiml.org/members/data/members_auth.html Password retrieval: http://www.oiml.org/members/data/reminder.html OIML Bulletin (last 4) http://www.oiml.org/bulletin/ PUBLIC ACCESS: Mombasa 2009 http://mombasa.oiml.org News http://www.oiml.org/updates/news.html Events http://www.oiml.org/updates/events.html Calendar http://www.oiml.org/updates/calendar.html OIML Bulletin http://www.oiml.org/bulletin/ (Free after 1 yr) MAA http://www.oiml.org/maa Publications http://www.oiml.org/publications Committee Drafts http://www.oiml.org/download/cds.html Other downloads http://www.oiml.org/download/ Certificates http://www.oiml.org/certificates TCs and SCs http://www.oiml.org/tc_sc/