----- DRAFT REVISION OF DIRECTIVES FOR CIML COMMENT ----- Dear Colleagues, Thank you to those of you who commented on the previous draft revision of the Directives which I sent you on 29 January 2010. I am now sending you three files concerning the ongoing revision of the Directives. - td1_ciml_comments.pdf contains the collated comments received from CIML Members and my replies to those comments. - td1_ciml_20100512_marked.pdf is a draft revision of the Directives incorporating your comments as far as possible. This file indicates where changes have been made. - td1_ciml_20100512_clean.pdf is a clean version of the previous file. I would now ask you to provide detailed comments on this draft, ensuring that your comments reach me on or before: 12 August 2010 The Resolution taken at the 44th CIML Meeting in Mombasa asked me to submit a draft for approval at the 2010 CIML Meeting. Therefore, I will apply the above deadline strictly. Depending on the comments received by 12 August, I intend to send you a further revised draft and collated comments immediately after this date, so that this revised draft may be presented for discussion and if possible, approval at the 45th CIML Meeting in Orlando at the end of September 2010. If you do not agree with the procedure described in the previous paragraph, please let me know as soon as possible, and in any case on or before 12 August 2010. Best regards, Ian Dunmill Assistant Director, BIML ian.dunmill@oiml.org