To: CIML Members From: Ian Dunmill (Assistant Director, BIML) Date: 19 January 2011 Subject: [BIML Mailing #396]: Draft of R 35-2 for CIML preliminary ballot _________________________________________ Dear Colleagues, Today, we have uploaded the following Draft Recommendation onto the Members' page ( for CIML preliminary ballot: R 35-2 "Material measures of length for general use. Part 2 – Test methods". The deadline for votes is 18 April 2011. More information is included in the Zip file available on Please remember: 1 - That it is one of your responsibilities as CIML Member to vote on draft publications submitted for CIML direct online approval or for CIML preliminary ballot. The "Directives for the technical work" also require you to give reasons for an abstention or a negative vote. 2 - That the importance of timely online voting in order to accelerate the OIML's technical work has been stressed at all recent CIML Meetings. I will therefore be following closely the response to this ballot and reporting in detail on it to the Presidential Council and to the 46th CIML Meeting. I am the BIML Contact Person for this Draft Recommendation. If you have any questions on the Draft or on the approval procedure, please contact me as soon as possible. Best regards, Ian Dunmill Assistant Director, BIML