Dear colleagues, Further to my e-mail number 452 (reproduced below), I have noticed that the pdf file which I attached for B 6-1 had the wrong front page due to a last minute change in the file. Please find attached a replacement for this file, with the correct front page. The filename is "Draft Revision B006-1_20120416_v2.pdf" to indicate that this is the second version of the file. I can assure you that nothing else in the file has changed, and I am sending you this version 2 of the file just so that the information is correct. The new cover page reminds you of the deadline for comments, which is 16 June 2012. If you have any further questions about B 6, please contact me. My apologies for this mistake. Best regards, Ian Dunmill BIML Assistant Director * * * * * * * * * * Text of BIML Mailing # 452: Dear colleagues, Please find attached a letter from the BIML Director, on behalf of Roman Schwartz, presenting the outcome of the ad hoc working group established by the 46th CIML Meeting to propose improvements to B 6-1:2011 and B 6-2:2011. There are also Draft Revisions of B 6-1 and B 6-2 attached. Please note that the deadline for responses is 16 June 2012. Best regards, Ian Dunmill Assistant Director, BIML