Dear Colleagues, The CIML direct online approval for R 100 "Atomic absorption spectrometer systems for measuring metal pollutants" closed on 12 July 2013. By the deadline, the BIML had not received votes from 2/3 of all CIML Members, so a reminder was sent, according to of B 6-1:2012. Despite this reminder, the number of CIML Members who had cast a vote was still below the 2/3 of all CIML Members required to cast a vote by of B 6-1:2012. The final voting situation (attached) was: - 33 Yes votes, - 0 No votes, - 4 Abstentions, - 21 countries did not vote 33 votes had therefore been cast (since abstentions and failures to reply do not count as votes cast). At the time this vote was put on line, we had 58 Member States, so the required 2/3 would be 39 Members. In accordance with of B 6-1:2012, the BIML then contacted the convener of TC 16/SC 2/p 2 (Ambler Thompson, USA) and the CIML President to consider what action should be taken. In accordance with of B 6-1, it is proposed to put the current FDR 100 forward to the CIML for approval at its next meeting in Ho Chi Minh City in October 2013. The proposal to proceed with this approval will be considered under item 11 of the CIML Agenda "Other matters" according to of B 6-1:2012, which requires a majority of votes cast to be in favour of the proposal. If the proposal to allow the CIML to vote on the approval of R 100 at this meeting is accepted, a further vote will be be held to approve the FDR 100 which you have previously received and reviewed during the CIML direct online approval process. This will use the normal rules for the approval of publications by the CIML, which require that a) 75 % of CIML Members are present or represented for the vote, b) a vote is cast by at least 80 % of those CIML Members present or represented (abstentions, blank and null votes do not count as votes cast), and c) 80 % of votes cast are in favour. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact me as soon as possible. Best regards, Ian Dunmill BIML Assistant Director International Organization of Legal Metrology 11 rue Turgot, 75009 Paris, France T: +33 1 4878 1282 F: +33 1 4282 1727 @: