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Sistemas OIML
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Regulaciones nacionales
# Resultados de la encuesta: R OIML  

Reuniones, seminarios, actividades
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Acceso restringido
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# Consejo presidencial  

July 2001 OIML Bulletin

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Edito (206 kb)


Uncertainty of the calibrating instrument, confidence in the measurement process and the relation between them (369 Kb)
Tadeusz Skwirczynski

Test procedures for Class E1 weights at the Romanian National Institute of Metrology: Calibration of mass standards by subdivision of the kilogram (260 Kb)
Adriana Vâlcu


Near infrared transmittance for measuring the moisture content of grains (280 Kb)
Killian Conradi

The decimal units system and San Giovanni Bosco: A singular meeting between science and pedagogy (248 Kb)
Silvana Iovieno and Liliana Smeraldo


Second Triennial Review of the WTO TBT Agreement – Results and scope (303 Kb)
Henri Schwamm

OIML Certificate System: Certificates registered by the BIML, 2001.02 – 2001.04 (278 Kb)

OIML TC 8/SC 7 (304 Kb)
COOMET Working Group Meeting (314 Kb)
WELMEC Committee Meeting (239 Kb)
SADCMEL News (173 Kb)
NIST Celebrates its First Century of Service (180 Kb)

Assessment of OIML Activities, 2000 (303 Kb)

Press release (180 Kb)

Forthcoming metrology events (393 Kb)

New Members; OIML Meetings; Committee Drafts received (109 Kb)