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# Nos Membres  
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Structures Techniques
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Systèmes OIML
# Introduction  
# Arrangement d'Acceptation Mutuelle - MAA  
# Certificats enregistrés  

Règlementations Nationales
# Résultats de l'Enquête: OIML R  

Réunions, Séminaires, Evénements
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# Sites web des Conférences et CIML  
# Séminaires OIML  
# Evénements d'Intérêt  

Accès Restreint
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# Conseil de la Présidence  

The Birch Report (OIML E 2)
Final Text (8 September 2003)

Download a PDF file of this letter

Download the PDF file of the Final Birch Report (400K)


8 September 2003
BIML 03 N° 713/JFM
To: CIML Members and OIML Corresponding Members

Subject: Final Report of Mr. Birch on the Benefit of Legal Metrology for the Economy and Society

Dear Colleagues,

You will find enclosed the final Report of Mr. Birch, on the Benefit of Legal Metrology for the Economy and Society. This study has been conducted over the past 18 months, and the final Report takes into account the outcome of the discussions held last year in Saint-Jean-de-Luz and the contributions sent in by Members.

This Report will be briefly discussed at the 38th CIML Meeting in Kyoto and the CIML is expected to instruct the Bureau to publish and distribute it.

I would remind you that this Report is not intended to be an OIML Report or publication, but will remain a personal contribution of Mr. Birch to the reflection of the OIML and to each Member's work on raising decision-makers' awareness of Legal Metrology.

Best regards,

J.F. Magaņa
BIML Director



Letter sent out following the 2002 CIML Meeting:

Dear Colleagues,

You can download here the Progress Report presented by Mr. Birch at the CIML Meeting in Saint-Jean-de-Luz. This report addresses the first three Terms of Reference of the Consultancy (see Foreword to the Report), however before finalising the report Mr. Birch would like to receive some input from CIML Members as to whether this report is likely to be used by them and what additional items they would like to see covered.

Mr Birch has suggested that additional items that could be included in the final report are:

  1. Simple case studies illustrating the specific benefits of legal metrology,
  2. Economic benefits of OIML mutual Acceptance Arrangements (cf. the KPMG study for CIPM),
  3. Economics of technical barriers to trade in legal metrology,
  4. More specific detail on the application of the study to developing nations.
Your response to Mr Birch can be sent directly by e-mail to jabirch@bigpond.com (this link also sends a copy of your message to the BIML Director automatically).

Best regards,

J.F. Magaņa
BIML Director