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A propos de l'OIML
# Introduction et Structures  
# Nos Membres  
# Siège (BIML)  
# Pays en Développement  
# Organisations en Liaison  
# Accords de Coopération (MoU)  
# Section VIP et Récompenses  
# Devenir Membre de l'OIML  

# OIML R, D, V, G, B, E, S  
# Traductions de Publications OIML  
# Projets Finaux de Publications  
# Bulletin  
# CR de Conférences et de CIML  
# Documents de Référence, Brochures  

Structures Techniques
# Comités Techniques (TC/SC)  
# Projets de Comité  
# Sites Web des TC et SC  
# Liaisons Techniques  
# Rapports et Statistiques  
# Notifications OMC OTC  

Systèmes OIML
# Introduction  
# Arrangement d'Acceptation Mutuelle - MAA  
# Certificats enregistrés  

Règlementations Nationales
# Résultats de l'Enquête: OIML R  

Réunions, Séminaires, Evénements
# Réunions OIML  
# Sites web des Conférences et CIML  
# Séminaires OIML  
# Evénements d'Intérêt  

Accès Restreint
# Accès Membres  
# Conseil de la Présidence  

Memoranda of Understanding (MoU)

ILAC Logo IAF Logo

MoU between ILAC, IAF and the OIML


The OIML has drawn up systems to facilitate cooperation between its Members, notably concerning the recognition of Test Reports between them.

The OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments, established in 1991, allows designated bodies (OIML Issuing Authorities) to issue OIML Certificates of Conformity to attest the conformity of types of measuring instruments which are examined and tested according to the requirements of certain OIML Recommendations. For that purpose, those OIML Recommendations that are applicable within the System define detailed testing and examination procedures and report formats.

An additional tool to this System was implemented in 2005 to increase confidence in test and examination results. The OIML Mutual Acceptance Arrangement (MAA) allows a participant in a Declaration of Mutual Confidence (DoMC) to accept and utilize test and examination results issued by the other participants. This Mutual Confidence is based on an evaluation of the testing laboratories according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

In the field of prepackages, the OIML has started technical work in order to develop an international conformity marking to facilitate marketing of prepackaged goods.

All these Systems implement requirements similar to those applicable to the accreditation of testing laboratories, to the accreditation of certification bodies and to product certification.

Existing cooperation with ILAC

Existing cooperation has increased thanks to the implementation of the OIML MAA. Under the MAA, the evaluation of the competence of the testing laboratories shall be demonstrated by one of the following means:

• Accreditation by an ILAC full Member, which covers the scope of testing in the field of legal metrology and according to the relevant OIML Recommendation;
• Peer assessments organized by the BIML (International Bureau of Legal Metrology).

The 2006 MoU between ILAC and the OIML (signed on 12 November 2006) includes shared interpretations of common technical issues (e.g. assessments according to ISO/IEC 17025) and shared use of technical and metrological experts (validated by the OIML) and lead assessors (validated by National Accreditation Bodies, ILAC full Members).

Extension to the IAF

Under the OIML MAA,  the evaluation of the competence of OIML Issuing Authorities is only required in terms of a self-declaration. The requirements to be applied here are those of ISO/IEC Guide 65 General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems.

To this end, the BIML has drawn up a Guide for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 65 to legal metrology (OIML D 30:2008). It should be noted that ISO/IEC Guide 65 is currently under revision, and will become ISO/IEC 17065. The scope and structure will be fundamentally modified to be consistent with those of ISO/IEC 17021, the aim being to draw up a Standard which can easily be used by Accreditation Bodies to assess product Certification Bodies. ISO CASCO WG 29 is responsible for this revision and as a liaison organization, the OIML participates in this Working Group.

The OIML is also developing a scheme to set up an OIML Quantity Mark for pre-packaged products. Evaluations on the basis of ISO/IEC Guide 65, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021 and ISO 9001 should be envisaged since such a scheme would involve:

• Product Certification Bodies;
• Quality Management System Certification Bodies, in particular to certify management system of packers; and
• Inspection Bodies.

Such a scheme could be extended to initial and (periodic) re-verifications of measuring instruments which could involve various conformity assessment procedures such as:

• Product verification conducted by a third-party inspection body;
• Declaration of conformity by the manufacturer based on quality assurance of its production process including, for instance, a certification of its quality management system on the basis of ISO 9001; and
• In-service inspection by third-party inspection bodies.

In this field, cooperation is being developed between the IAF and the OIML, similar to that between ILAC and the OIML and includes shared interpretation of appropriate ISO/IEC Standards and development of OIML training for assessors of National Accreditation Bodies, signatories of the IAF Product MLA, who will be responsible for accrediting, in the field of legal metrology, product certification bodies, inspection bodies and bodies providing audit and certification of management systems.

The 2007 MoU, including its extension to include the IAF, was signed by Mr. Daniel Pierre (ILAC Chair), Mr. Thomas Facklam (IAF Chair) and Mr. Alan Johnston (CIML President) on 28 October 2007 during the ILAC/IAF General Assembly held in Sydney (see photo).


Mr. Thomas Facklam (IAF Chair)
Mr. Alan Johnston (CIML President, 2006-2011)
Mr. Daniel Pierre (ILAC Chair)

2010 Renewal of the MoU

The 2010 MoU replaces the one from 2007 and has been slightly revised. A note was added to clarify when “legal metrology” is considered to be included in the scope of accreditation.

The new MoU was signed on 28 October 2010 during the ILAC/IAF Joint General Assembly in Shanghai (see photo).


Mr. Daniel Pierre (ILAC Chair)
Mr. Thomas Facklam (IAF Chair)
Mr. Alan Johnston (CIML President, 2006-2011)