22-24 April 2013
Hotel Sheraton, Casablanca, Morocco
Exhibition on Measurement and Quality Exhibition of measurement and control equipment.
For more information, please Click here |
SADC SQAM Annual Meetings |
17-22 March 2013
Talatona Convention Center, Luanda, Angola
For more information, please Click here
Les Journées Techniques de la Mesure 2012 |
5-8 November 2012
Tunis, Tunisia
Le CAFMET (Comité Africain de Métrologie) et CK METROLOGIE organisent
Les Journées Techniques de la Mesure 2012
du 5 au 8 novembre 2012 à TUNIS.
Des formations pointues en métrologie animées par des experts internationaux :
- Outils statistiques pour l'exploitation des résultats de mesure - Abdérafi CHARKI - 5 novembre 2012
- Traçabilité métrologique des analyses chimiques et introduction à l’évaluation d’incertitudes de mesure - Marie Caroline SCHBATH - 5 et 6 novembre 2012
- Audit technique d'un laboratoire - PENIN Philippe - 5 et 6 novembre 2012
- Mise en place d'un laboratoire de Métrologie dimensionnelle - Gabriel CLOITRE - 6 novembre 2012
- Métrologie des températures et caractérisation des enceintes climatiques - Georges BONNIER - 7 et 8 novembre 2012
- Etalonnage et vérification des instruments de mesure dans les laboratoires d'analyses et d'essais. Applications concrètes - Guy GIRAULT - 7 et 8 novembre 2012
- Audit qualité d'un laboratoire - Abdérafi CHARKI - 7 et 8 novembre 2012
- Incertitude de mesure : approche GUM et applications pratiques - Georges BONNIER - 5 et 6 novembre 2012
- Incertitude de mesures : approche intra et inter laboratoires et applications pratiques - Mohamed BERRADA - 7 et 8 novembre 2012
- Metrologie du volume et de la masse-volumique - Mise en œuvre des principales méthodes de mesure et d’étalonnage - Tanguy MADEC - 6 novembre 2012
- Consultez le programme détaillé, le profil des formateurs et complétez votre forumlaire d'inscription en cliquant ici !
Milestones in Metrology IV |
9-11 May 2012
Venice, Italy
With a new organizational set-up for the three-year international conference, Milestones in Metrology to be held from 9 to 11 May 2012, organizer NMi aims to attract a broader spectrum of visitors.
Moving from the Netherlands to Venice in Italy, the conference offers the perfect platform for a meeting between manufacturers, regulators, end users and metrological institutes in the field of metrology.
For further information, see the Event Web Site - Click here |
CAFMET 2012 - 4th Metrology Forum |
23-27 April 2012
Marrakech, Morocco
The African Committee of Metrology (CAFMET) is organizing the Fourth
International Conference of Metrology in Africa CAFMET 2012,
which will be a forum for industrialists and scientists to share
information, ideas and experiences, during conferences, open discussions
and on exhibition booths.
For more information, please download the Call For Papers - Click here |
Workshop |
30 November - 1 December 2011
PTB, Berlin
The PTB is holding a Workshop entitled "Protection of Measurement Data in Legal Metrology and Related Challenges" on 30 November and 1 December 2011 at its German location.
For further information, please download the First Announcement. Other documents available are the Programme for the event, a list of hotels near PTB Berlin, and a Registration Form. |
CAFMET 2011 - 3rd Metrology Forum |
24-27 October 2011
Accra, Ghana
The African Committee of Metrology (CAFMET) is organizing the Third Metrology Forum in Ghana in October 2011. The themes will be:
- Legal metrology
- Accreditation
- Metrology organization
- Temperature, volume, mass
- Measurement uncertaintities
- Interlaboratory comparisons
Abstracts are invited before 30 April 2011 - for further information, see the Event Web Site - Click here. Program: Click here |
15th International Congress of Metrology |
3-6 October 2011
Paris, France
The Fifteenth International Congress of Metrology will be a meeting place for specialists in metrology from industry and scientific laboratories through:
- 6 industrial round table sessions and about 180 presentations,
- an exhibition comprising 70 booths of equipment and services, and
- technical visits to companies.
The aim of the Congress is to contribute to the improvement of measurement in industry and research. The audience of the Congress is estimated at about 800 to 1 000 participants from 50 different countries and it is being organized by the CFM in partnership with:
- major industrial users of metrology such as Eurocopter and Renault,
- technical centres and providers such as Acac, BEA Métrologie, Cetiat, Cetim, and IMQ,
- the following national institutes of metrology: LNE (FR), NPL (UK),
- representatives from universities, and
- European and international metrology key organisations : EA, Euramet, BIPM, OIML.
For further information, see the Event Web Site - Click here |
Metrologia 2011 |
27-30 September 2011
Natal, Brazil
The 18th IMEKO TC 4 Symposium, IX Semetro, II CIMMEC and VI Brazilian Congress of Metrology will take place at the Convention Center of the Praimar Natal Hotel & Convention Center, Natal (Brazil).
Further information: http://www.metrologia.org.br/metrologia2011 |
An Introduction to
Legal and Industrial Metrology |
4-15 July 2011
Teddington, UK
This 10 day training course is designed to give delegates a comprehensive
understanding of selected aspects of legal and industrial metrology
theory and practice, which they can then apply in their own national
metrology establishments. It is specially designed for participants from developing economies.
The course will focus on the balanced transfer of basic
knowledge in legal and industrial metrology in theory and practice. It
will also give a general overview of standardisation and accreditation,
taking into account aspects of quality management (ISO 17025) in
metrology/calibration laboratories.
Further information: Click here |
Joint International Symposium |
15-17 June 2011
Dubrovnik Riviera, Cavtat, Croatia
IMEKO (www.imeko.org) TC 11 Metrological Infrastructure, TC 19 Environmental Measurements and TC 20 Energy Measurement are organizing the Symposia Metrological Infrastructure, Environmental and Energy Measurement and Mediterranean Industry of the Sun that will be held from Wednesday through Friday, June 15-17, 2011, in Dubrovnik Riviera, Cavtat, Croatia.
Further information: www.imeko-mi2011.org |
4th International Conference
on Metrology |
23-24 May 2011
Jerusalem, Israel
The goal of this international conference is to enable participants to share their experience and expertise in calibration, measurement and testing, develop fresh insights and meet colleagues from other countries.
The conference is therefore being designed to facilitate fruitful interactions between laboratory managers, scientists who carry out calibrations and/or measurements, quality managers from industry including medical systems, policy makers and academicians. We are sure that such interaction will increase understanding between metrologists and their customers.
The conference theme is: “Measurement and Testing in the Service of Society.” We will concentrate on the impact of measurements, calibrations and testing on all aspects of daily life, thus ensuring that the conference will have a strong practical focus.
Further information: PDF
document |
World Metrology Day 2011 |
20 May 2011
Click here for the World Metrology Day 2011 web site |
Metrology 2011 |
18-20 May 2011
Havana, Cuba
The National Metrology Research Institute, Cuba,
is pleased to invite you to the 8th
International Symposium “Metrology
2011”, to be held on 18-20 May 2011 in the
Conference Center of Havana as an
expression of the stronger links between
Cuban metrologists and their international
Metrology 2011 will provide
an excellent framework for exchange
among researchers, technologists and, in general, specialists on measurement
in order to share updated knowledge and results through scientific discussion
on Metrology, a science of unquestionable importance to develop research,
production and services in any country.
Further information: PDF
AFRIMETS 2011 Metrology School |
7-16 February 2011
Nairobi, Kenya
The 2011 AFRIMETS Metrology School creates the
opportunity to equip a younger generation with the
knowledge necessary to take AFRIMETS to the next
level. The lecturers that have been invited are all experts
in their respective fields and the school will provide the
opportunity for young metrologists to interact with them in
a relaxed atmosphere over a period of ten days.
Further information: PDF
Newspaper Article #1
Newspaper Article #2
Workshop |
17-18 November 2010
PTB, Berlin, Germany
Standard operating systems are increasingly
embedded in measuring instruments. This is advantageous for
manufactures und users of the instruments, on the one hand, but also raises
questions with respect to the assurance of legal metrology
requirements. Flexibility gained by operating
systems can be contradictory to fixing the characteristics of an instrument
by type certificates.
The aim of this Workshop, which is supported by WELMEC and Helmholtz-Fonds e.V., is to bring together experts from different
disciplines and to discuss the above mentioned (and other) problems and
approaches for solutions.
Further information:
- Zip file (Program, Hotel list, Booking form)
2010 Metrology Symposium |
27-29 October 2010
Querétaro City, Mexico
The National Metrology Institute of Mexico (CENAM) is organizing the 2010 Metrology Symposium as a way to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of metrology. Over tree days, staff from calibration and testing labs, industry, research centers, academic institutions and several national metrology institutes will discuss and share advances, solutions and developments on the challenge of good measurements, supporting technological innovation and quality assurance of a broad number of products and services. Read more
CAFMET Special Technical Workshops
"Interlaboratory Comparisons" |
27-28 October 2010
Rabat, Morocco
The CAFMET (African Committee of Metrology) is organizing Special Technical Workshops on "Interlaboratory Comparisons" on 27th and 28th October 2010 in Rabat, Morroco.
These Technical Workshops will be only in French.
For further information (program, registration, location, etc.), please visit the CAFMET web site. |
17th APLMF and Working Groups Meeting |
13-16 September 2010
Victoria, BC, Canada
The 17th Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum and Working
Groups Meeting will take place at the Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort
and Spa, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada in September 2010. For further
information, please visit the APLMF
web site
An Introduction to Legal
& Industrial Metrology |
7-18 June 2010
NPL, Teddington, UK
A two-week (10 working days) course is being held at
NPL, designed for officers or those associated with offices of national
metrology organisations that are already working in the field, but wish
to deepen and expand their knowledge of legal and industrial metrology
or those who are responsible for national metrology legislation.
This course is designed to give delegates a comprehensive
understanding of selected aspects of legal and industrial metrology
theory and practice, which they can then apply in their own national
metrology establishments. The training course is specially designed
for participants from developing economies.
Further information:
document |
World Accreditation
Day |
9 June 2010
June 9th 2010 will mark World Accreditation Day, a global
initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum
(IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)
to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation-related activities.
For more information, visit the ILAC
web site
26th WELMEC Committee Meeting |
6-7 May 2010
Bled, Slovenia
- Visit the WELMEC web
6th International Exhibition
and 2nd
Moscow International Symposium |
18-20 May 2010
Moscow, Russian Federation
You are invited to take part in the 6th International
Competitive Exhibition of Measuring Tools, Testing and Laboratory Equipment
"Metrology-2010"and the 2nd Moscow International Symposium
of Metrologists devoted to World Metrology Day, which will be held from
May 18-20, 2010, at the All-Russia Exhibition Center, Moscow.
The exhibition "Metrology" offers over 200
participating companies from 12 countries, up to 20 collective expositions
of federal agencies and establishments, public corporations, major holding
companies and associations, over 50 regional standardization, metrology
and certification centers and metrological institutes, with over 8,500
visitors attending. The symposium of metrologists includes up to 120
reports on the most topical subjects in the field of metrological support
for industrial branches, which will be attended by more than 2500 specialists.
More details about the exhibition and the symposium:
- Information
- Web
site: www.metrol.expoprom.ru/en |
CAFMET 2010 Third
Metrology Conference |
19-23 April 2010
Cairo, Egypt
Plenary conferences, Tutorial sessions, Exhibition stands
- Visit the CAFMET web
- Download the Program [Last
updated: 18 March 2010] |
Seminar on Metrology &
Conformity Assessment |
1-2 March 2010
Thon Hotel City Centre, Brussels, Belgium
(Organized in co-operation with Directorate General for Enterprise and
Industry, WELMEC and EURAMET)
For more information on TAIEX assistance and to download
presentations of this event, please visit the Event
web site and download a PDF file with
more details. |
26-30 October 2009
Cotonou, Benin
In October 2009, The African Committee of Metrology
(CAFMET) is organizing the "Metrology Forum 2009" which will
take place in Cotonou, Benin. The main Conference themes will be:
- Legal Metrology
- Accreditation
- Metrology Organization
- Temperature, Volume, Mass
- Measurement Uncertaintities (calibration, tests, analysis)
The deadline for full paper submission is 19 February
2009, and to register and/or to sponsor the event please either:
- Visit the web
- Download this PDF document
- E-mail the Organizers |
14th International
Metrology Congress |
22-25 June 2009
Palais des Congrès, Paris, France
The Congress is a meeting place for specialists in metrology
from firms and scientific laboratories through oral and poster conferences,
an exhibition of equipment and services, and technical visits to firms.
The aim of the Congress is to improve measurement in industry and laboratories.
This event will gather together over 800 people from
50 different countries, and from every circle concerned with measurement:
* metrologists from companies,
* metrologists from calibration, analysis and testing laboratories,
* manufacturers and users of metrological equipment,
* quality managers, and
* teachers and researchers.
For further information, please visit: www.cfmetrologie.com/congres_en.php |
19-21 May 2009
Moscow, Russian Federation
Achievements in metrology contribute to the creation
of new and qualitative products.
The Metrology-2009 Exhibition and Symposium will show modern situations
involving measurements and product testing, including nanomaterials
and production manufactured on the basis of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
This Exhibition will bring together over 150 Russian and overseas companies,
hundreds of specialists in metrology and vendors, and will thus be a
key support for fruitful discussions of the current challenges being
faced, and will be an aid in developing new business contacts and professional
For further information: http://metrol.expoprom.ru/en/
This PDF
document also gives more details. |
Milestones in Metrology III |
10-13 May 2009
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
In May 2009 the third Milestones in Metrology Congress will bring together regulators, manufacturers, end users and
notified bodies to chart out maps for the future of legal metrology.
The Congress hinges around three key fields: oil and
gas, traffic and weighing instruments. Each day will have a specific
theme: global market access, software and future developments. The program
will consist of plenary sessions and parallel streams, and there will
be opportunities to meet colleagues during the evening receptions.
The Congress ties in with the 20th anniversary of NMi,
and will therefore be a special event. Registration is now open (Click
here) and speakers are invited to send in abstracts: this PDF
document gives full details.
For further information, please visit: www.milestonesinmetrology.nl |
17th International Conference
of the Israel Society
for Quality |
First Announcement and Call for Papers
18-20 November 2008
Jerusalem, Israel
The conference program will incorporate a wide variety
of subjects in which many dimensions will be explored.
Topics will relate to industries such as:
* Biotechnology
* Alternative energy
* Aerospace
* Electronics
* Pharmaceuticals
* Food
* Process
* Medical equipment and sectors such as:
- Small Organizations
- Start-ups
- e-business
- Services
- Banks and Insurance
- Hotels
- Public
- Education
- Transportation
- Infrastructure
- Health
- Marketing
* This year, among others, topics will focus on:
* The Strategy and the Future of Quality Management
* The Role of the Quality Manager
* Quality Education
* Organizational Excellence
* Environmental Quality
* Information Security
* Safety
* Business Continuity Management
* Homeland Security
* Project Assurance
* Innovations in Standardization
* Metrology
You are invited to submit abstracts in all areas of
quality and quality management. Joining us at the Conference will enable
you to both participate in a stimulating and challenging learning experience
and enjoy exploring Israel.
Further information: PDF
file - Web site: www.isas.co.il/quality2008 |
International Symposium: "Metrology,
testing, and accreditation -
breaking the trading barriers" |
12-15 November 2008
Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia
IMEKO TC 11 "Metrological Infrastructure"
is organizing an International Symposium in November 2008. The aim is
to bring together International Organizations including the BIPM, OIML,
and ILAC, and Regional Metrology Organizations (RMO's). Representatives
of these international organizations and the chairpersons of the RMOs
will describe the functioning of their organizations. Representatives
of National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) will be invited to present their
work and to discuss key topics and challenges.
International Technical Sessions:
- Mass and related quantities (including force, pressure, air density,
torque, viscosity and hardness)
- Electricity and magnetism (including RF and microwave)
- Length, form measurements, complex geometry, angular measurements
- Laser measurements, nanometrology, surface texture
- Time and frequency
- Thermometry (including thermophysical properties and humidity)
- Ionizing radiation (including radiometry and dosimetry)
- Photometry and radiometry (including fiber optics)
- Flow (including fluid properties)
- Acoustics, ultrasound and vibration (including accelerometry)
- Amount of substance
For further information, please visit: www.rmo2008.org
ISO CASCO Workshop: Conformity Assessment
in Support of Market Surveillance |
29 October 2008
Geneva, Switzerland
On 29 October 2008, ISO CASCO will organize a workshop
on market surveillance before the ISO CASCO 24th Plenary Session to
be held on 30-31 October 2008 in Geneva.
As the world becomes increasingly global and trade of
significant value and volume regularly crosses boundaries, market surveillance
becomes an imperative for safeguarding stakeholders' interests and ensuring
the correct implementation of ISO standards.
Liberalization and globalization of trade have brought
market surveillance into the international context. Regulators want
to ensure that their population's health or safety is not endangered.
"Business to business" relations need to happen in a climate
of trust and confidence. And consumers want to be sure that what they
are buying responds to their expectations in terms of quality or environmental
impact for instance. Regulatory provisions, conformity assessment and
market surveillance are important elements that need to be combined
to ensure a fair and trustful climate for world trade.
Market surveillance can increase confidence in certification,
accreditation and conformity assessment oversight processes, as well
as protect the interests of Governments, business communities and consumers.
The workshop on Market Surveillance thus aims to:
* identify the areas of MS which could be addressed
by ISO at the international level;
* determine if there is sufficient consensus on the potential need for
international level of work on MS and if so what it should include as
its scope;
* determine if there is a need for generic standardized base document
for MS processes or other ISO deliverables; and
* determine how ISO can contribute to MS activities in the future.
22-24 October 2008
Queretaro, Mexico
The National Centre of Metrology (CENAM) is organizing
the Simposio de Metrología 2008 as a means to exchange knowledge
and to share experiences on measurement science and technology.
During three days, representatives of public and private
calibration and testing laboratories, industry, research centers and
academic institutions, and national metrology institutes from various
countries will discuss and share their problems and solutions to the
constant challenge of accurate measurement, as a key support for technological
innovation and to assure the quality of products and services.
Participants from national metrology institutes, inspection
authorities, government agencies, universities, research centres, commercial
laboratories and other interested parties will take part in this Symposium.
Nationally and internationally recognized specialists
in various measurement fields will participate in plenary sessions and
there will be contributions from those involved in the daily task of
measuring: they will present results and discuss their difficulties
with the aim of obtaining proposals for improvement. In addition, specialized
work meetings will be held where topical issues will be discussed.
A specialized industrial exhibition of measuring instruments,
analytical equipment and related products, will show attendees the current
technology in this field, with the help of manufacturers' representatives
and suppliers of calibration and testing services.
Three additional activities will add value to this Symposium:
Plenary sessions, two poster sessions to provide networking between
specialists and colleagues from different fields in metrology, and a
program of short courses / workshops, prior to the Symposium, on important
current metrological issues.
We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues
at the Simposio de Metrología 2008.
For more information, please refer to www.cenam.mx/simposio2008/eng/descripcion.aspx
Market Surveillance Conference |
23-24 October 2008,
San Anton, Malta
A Market Surveillance Conference will be held in Malta
in October 2008 (Note: venue changed from London to Malta).
This two-day event will give delegates the opportunity
- Meet other people in Europe who are involved in metrological
market surveillance
- Gain a full understanding of the current priorities in this field
- Develop an approach to tackle cross-border market surveillance issues,
over and above their national strategies
The event will take place at the Corinthia
Palace Hotel ***** in San Anton, Malta, on 23-24 October 2008.
For further information and more details including costs
and accommodation arrangements, please download the Agenda and Registration
Form, and visit
the WELMEC web site. |